Campioni internazionali

Anche Nole e Jelena all’attacco del Coronavirus: un milione per la Serbia

Dopo Federer e Nadal, anche Djokovis contribuisce con la sua Fondazione alla lotta alla pandemia da COVID-19

di | 27 marzo 2020

Djokovic con i raccattapalle

Novak Djokovic e sua moglie Jelena hanno donato un milione di euro alla Serbia per l’acquisto in Cina e Germania di respiratori e altro materiale medico sanitario necessario a fronteggiare la pandemia da COVID-19. Lo ha annunciato il campione di Belgrado in un video sul profilo Instagram della moglie. Djokovic nel messaggio ringrazia i medici e il personale sanitario che nel mondo intero è impegnato al massimo nella lotta al contagio da coronavirus.
Nei giorni scorsi, il numero uno del mondo aveva diffuso sempre su Instagram una preghiera rivolta a tutto il personale sanitario impegnato nella lotta alla pandemia, ricordando anche l’Italia con il messaggio: “Resta forte”. Anche Federer e Nadal nei giorni scorsi hanno fatto donazioni rispettivamente per la Svizzera e per la Spagna.
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Today, Novak and I had an unconventional press conference with the media to announce we will donate 1,000,000€ via our Novak Djokovic Foundation to help purchase respirators and necessary medical equipment for hospitals in Serbia. We took time to carefully analyze the situation on how to best support the Serbian people, which is why we are just now announcing this news. It’s not easy for anyone to come out with definite answers in public as information is changing daily from one moment to another. The costs of medical equipment are fluctuating in high ranges, availability is low, the delivery takes time, transportation of the equipment is challenging, and learning how to use new equipment takes time and practice (which our dedicated doctors and nurses don’t have as patients numbers are surging). Novak has used all his credibility and contacts to reach far and wide to gather necessary information, guidance, and access to equipment. We have received countless phone calls and emails from all over the world - people are interested in helping but do not know how and where. We will open a separate emergency fund at NDF for all of those who are able to donate and join us in this crisis. I am confident that our team can once again step up and answer to this emergency with integrity, which is why Novak and I are using our platform for good to reach ones in need. Please visit @novakfoundation and novakdjokovicfoundation.org as we share updates. Stay safe. ❤️ @djokernole

Un post condiviso da Jelena Djokovic (@jelenadjokovicndf) in data:


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